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Personal Training

Sport Exercise


Get the right exercise and training plan for you.

Functional Training
Strength Training
Weight Training
Body Shaping 
Weight Loss


Healthy Meal




Strategic eating applies to all types of exercise and training programs.

Learn how to eat right.

Smart Watch

Smart fit

Technology is evolving.
Specialized and focused exercises and training are designed through experience and  information provided by the individual, mobile apps, wearable devices, and more. 

Learn more about fitness tracking--food, exercise, and more.

High Fives


Motivation, accountability, and support are catalysts for short and long-term changes .

We create the right system to promote change.


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The best physical fitness programming is based on an individualistic--and not a one-size-fits-all--approach.

Our programs and coaching incorporate several types of exercises to achieve the right results and minimize the risk of injury.

VYIT offers the best online personal training programs through its insight-driven approaches. 

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Instead of dieting, we think of food and meal consumption holistically. Food is required for the human body's nutrition and energy. Macro and micronutrients alike are vital to health and fitness.

Adopting the flexible eating method, VYIT's meal planning and nutrition guidance will start with the VYIT coach understanding how you eat today to develop the right food system for you. 

VYIT's smart platform and technology-focus will provide you with the best way to keep track of what you plan to eat, the fundamentals to eating right, and progress. 

If you already use a food tracker,  we'll work with what you have.

We'll work with you if you prefer no technology or are tech-averse.


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Available Now!

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