1. Everyone's dream who trains is to be able to perform a pull-up.
Make it happen earlier by starting to add reverse pull-ups to your routines. How to do it: Stand on a box or bench under the bar to start at the top, with your chin over the bar. Grip the bar with an overhand or underhand grip so that you hang freely. Then lower yourself as slowly as possible down to outstretched arms. You can find our 30 days to pull up in our shop here.
2. Change the grip
Before you get stronger in your grip, it is frustrating when your overall strength lifting up a barbell is stronger than your grip. For example, when you do all kinds of deadlifts, you may find that your hand strength limits how heavy you can lift. A solution to that problem could be to change the hand position. Instead of using a double overhand grip on the bar (where both palms are facing you), you take an overhand grip with one hand and an underhand grip with the other. It gives a firmer grip - simple but effective!
3. Squat on a weight plate
The squat is excellent, but many people have trouble getting down deep enough. Often, it's because of a lack of mobility in either ankles, knees, or hips. A simple trick is to put a thin weight plate under each heel. When the heels are lifted a little, you can experience going down significantly deeper and progressing from there.
4. Slow down the tempo
You usually consider taking a heavier weight when you want to make an exercise harder. But you can also increase the difficulty by slowing down the tempo. For example, if you lift a weight quickly and explosively, you can take 3-5 seconds to lower it back to the start position. Why? You increase the time that the muscles are tense, and the longer the muscle has to work, the harder it will be for you to do the exercise.
5. Create a playlist with motivational speech
Listening to a motivational speech while you train is incredibly motivating and exciting. It not only lifts you up but also gives you the inner power to achieve anything and impacts your performance for the better. You can find it on Spotify.
6. Focus on the muscle that you work
If you tend to let your mind wander while you train, you can increase your training effect by concentrating on the muscle you are working. Studies of the phenomenon known as mind-muscle connection have shown that we activate more muscle fibers and thus get more out of training when we consciously focus on the muscle during training. So try to get the most out of your workout and let go of other things in the present moment, and your result will come faster. Go and try it and get faster and better results 💪
Coach Tina VYIT Life Wellness Coach