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When is the perfect time start your fitness investment? Or do you waiting for the perfect day?

In the meantime, the time is running out, time that you could use to start small changes that would lead you to big results! How do you see yourself as a senior? As a weak or strong person in good health? If it's the latter, then it's time to start taking action!

Stopping this mindset can be a challenge, but there are strategies and techniques you can use to change this behavior.

Practice the following and start your transformation today!

1. Identify the reasons why you are procrastinating. Try to understand why. Is it fear of failure, lack of motivation or poor time planning? By identifying the causes, you can start working on overcoming them.

2. You must set clear and realistic objectives. Break your challenges into smaller parts and set clear and realistic goals for each part. This makes each challenge more manageable and gives you a sense of progress as you see yourself reaching your milestones. For example. start taking care of the diet and add exercise later.

3. You must have a clear schedule. Take the time to plan in advance. Create a schedule that includes specific times for when you will complete each task. Having a structured plan can help you stay focused and reduce the tendency to procrastinate.

4. Start with the most difficult challenge first. Instead of avoiding the most difficult or unpleasant ones, start with them first. This can reduce the feeling of having a "setback" and give you more energy and motivation to continue with the rest of your challenges.

5. You should establish a routine around the challenge. Create a regular daily or weekly routine to work on your challenges. By getting used to a fixed routine, it becomes easier to get started and avoid putting things off.

6. Important that you reward yourself. Give yourself small rewards when you reach your goals or succeed at your challenge over a continuous period of time. It could be something connected to the challenge, for example joining our 6 weeks program, hiring your own coach, buying a new cookbook or just doing something else that you enjoy. This can create positive reinforcement and give you more motivation to continue without procrastinating.

By using these strategies and training yourself to be more disciplined, you can gradually change your behavior and become more effective in your daily life.

Don´t think, just do it! 💪 //Wellness Coach Tina Vyit Coach Team

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